
Our speakers will be sharing their experiences, strategies and knowledge. Who are you going to watch?

Doni Aldine

Founder | Editor-in-Chief, Culturs Global Media Company

Nailah Blades Wylie

Founder | Life Coach, Color Outside

Farah Harris MA, LCPC

CEO/Founder, WorkingWell Daily

Kamilah O'Brien

Founder | Investor | Creator, Focused Spender

Kelley Anne LCSW, M.A.

CEO, Burn Bright, LLC

Karyn Kerr Pettigrew

Founder | Creator | Coach, Zoe Goes

Kimberly Lovelady LMSW, MPH

Licensed Therapist | Entrepreneur | Trainer, Fundamental Health Solutions

Yvonne Wallace

Founder | Coach | Mom, Mompowred Life

Wendy C. Williams MS, EFT-Adv.

Leadership Coach & Spiritual Teacher, Wendy C Williams, Intl.

Danielle Adams

Productivity Coach, Divine Inspirations Professional Services

Kym Ali MSN, RN

Founder | Consultant, Cup of Tea LLC

Whitney Barkley

Podcast Host, Pink Lemonade Podcast

RacQuel Bell

Non-Profit Founder, CFO, Yogini, Poise Incorporated

Dr. Victoria Boyd

Founder | President, The Philantrepreneur Foundation | Dr. Victoria Boyd, LLC

Sharee Cammon

Speaker | Trainer | Thought Leader, The B.A.M. Market

Chanel Campbell

Brand Designer, Chanel Designz

Stephanie Ghoston Paul

Coach | Recovering Lawyer | Living Ancestor, Cultivated Sense LLC

Tonya Gonzalez

Tarot Life Coach | Author | Counselor, Tarot Life Coach

Ilesha "Coco" Graham

C.E.O., The I.N.G. Group

Farah M. Green

CEO|Founder, Thick, Bold, and Healthy LLC

Lynne Maureen Hurdle

Author | Speaker | Trainer | Consultant, Hur Comm Solutions LLC

Christine Job, JD

Founder | Coach

Michelda Johnson

CEO, MJ Consulting

Amber Lashawn

Founder | Branding Coach, Brand Girl Magic

Lucinda Nixon

Founder | Designer, Hello Luci Creative

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