RacQuel Bell

Non-Profit Founder, CFO, Yogini, Poise Incorporated

About this speaker

RacQuel is a 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher based in Atlanta, GA. RacQuel’s yoga journey began in 2015 as a strictly physical practice, but later transitioned into a lifestyle as she explored the transformative effects of meditation. She had a vision about bringing yoga to urban communities and began contracting with many schools to offer a curriculum-based yoga program. She has also collaborated with yoga studios and continues to spread awareness of the healing properties of yoga throughout communities of color.

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BREAK #1: Move Your Body!!!!

RacQuel Bell

BREAK #2: Move Your Body!!!!

RacQuel Bell

VIP PACKAGE EXCLUSIVE: How Yoga Improves Your Mental, Physical, and Emotional Health

RacQuel Bell