KEYNOTE: Black Wealth Matters!
A Talk by Kamilah O'Brien (Founder | Investor | Creator, Focused Spender)
About this Talk
As a Professional Woman of Color, you may feel a mismatch in your life, especially when compared with your colleagues. You’ve earned a Master’s Degree, a JD or Post-doc and doing well in your career. But even still, your finances are not falling into line as expected.
Whether your student loans are not decreasing as fast as you would like or your savings/investing accounts are stagnated, something is just not right. Sometimes you think that if your salary was just a bit higher, everything would fall into place.
However, you know this is not necessarily true.
The problem is deeper than your spending, saving and investing habits not being aligned with your short or long term goals.
The problem is that you are not clear on what your goals ARE and the steps you need to take in order to attain them.
So How Can I Help You I work with women to determine the changes they would like to see in their life over the next 3 months to 3 years and set goals around those changes. Then we create a clear plan on the steps needed to attain those goals, down to the dollar amount they need to save/pay today to obtain the life they are dreaming of.
As with anything, the one size all approach to finances does not work. My goal is to ensure that you do not have to give up everything you enjoy to reach your goals, just modify it a bit. I understand that if plans are too restrictive, they are destined to fail.
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The 5 Payday Mistakes That Keep You From Growing Your Savings and Investment Accounts
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