Sharee Cammon

We're All Infected, Now What?

A Talk by Sharee Cammon (Speaker | Trainer | Thought Leader, The B.A.M. Market)

About this Talk

In this talk, Sharee brings awareness to a far more insidious infection than COVID-19 that's stealthily wreaking havoc on our Black-owned businesses. And unlike the Coronavirus, this infection has no team of scientists quickly developing a vaccine. There's no cure for it in sight, so now what? Listen in to learn the steps you can start using today to beat down the effects of this mindset infection and begin to really value our Black entrepreneurs - yourself included.


🎈Sharee is offering 25% off of your B.A.M. Black Friday vendor's booth fee to all SBWS Attendees.

To Redeem Your Offer : (1.) Apply to become a vendor HERE (2.) Once you are approved, you'll receive instructions how to redeem your special discount code.

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###Save 25% off of your B.A.M. Black Friday vendor's booth fee. 🎈 **To Redeem Your Offer :** 1. Apply to become a vendor at the URL given 2. Once you are approved, you'll receive instructions how to redeem your special discount code.

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About The Speaker

Sharee Cammon

Sharee Cammon

Speaker | Trainer | Thought Leader, The B.A.M. Market

Cornell Certified Women's Leadership Coach & Serial Entrepreneur with over a decade of experience and various digital marketing certifications.